Faecal Incontinence – involuntary loss of solid or liquid stools.

Faecal Urgency – sudden, difficult to hold on, desire to open your bowels.

Flatal Incontinence – involuntary loss of wind.


Constipation – irregular and infrequent bowel movements and/or needing to strain/push.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction can contribute to causing constipation. This can occur when the pelvic floor muscles contract instead of relaxing when you attempt to open your bowels. As a result of this you may have difficulties emptying your bowels.

Symptoms include:

  • Less then 3 bowel movements weekly

  • Hard or lumpy stools

  • Straining when opening your bowels

  • Sensation of incomplete emptying

  • Need to manually push near the anus, bottom or vaginal wall

If you have concerns with your bowel function, our Physiotherapist’s can help to improve overall bowel habits and routines, advise you on how best to empty and help you work on your pelvic floor muscle function to improve symptoms.